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Athlete Mental Health Survey


Kait Simpson, a former student-athlete and current PhD candidate, is gathering incredible research to help student-athletes get the exact mental health care they need. We encourage all student-athletes to take this survey as it will not only serve as a self-reflection but it will provide Kait with insights into how student athletes across the world can feel better and ultimately perform better.

Some key points:

  • Elite student-athletes from ALL sports and backgrounds in Canada, the US, and the UK are invited to have a voice on how their mental health and wellbeing can be better supported and monitored.

  • This study aims to understand sport-specific, individual, cultural, and environmental factors that impact student-athlete wellbeing.

  • This is the first ever international study of elite student-athlete well-being, and the aim is for this to contribute to development of standardised evidence-based practices SPECIFICALLY for elite student-athletes. Making sure different sports, genders, international students, athletes of colour, etc. are heard in this research is very important for this to happen.

We have hundreds of athletes so far who have participated. We need more representation from every sport, and specifically in these areas:

  • Student-athletes in Canada

  • Athletes of Colour

  • International students

  • Male athletes!

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